Tuesday, September 1, 2015

HAAM Benefit Day 2015

Hello friends!

As some of you might know, there is an AMAZING organization here in Austin that takes care of the many musicians living here. It is called the Health Alliance for Austin Musicians, otherwise known as HAAM. Today is a very special day where we raise lots of money for this organization that gives us health care for the entire year. So Austinites - get ready for a fun filled day of music, free activities and so many cool things to check out!! Just visit http://benefitday.myhaam.org/ for the day's events. I will be performing at Whole Foods and Metropolis in the evening.

I am truly grateful for all that HAAM has made possible for me, and I try to make this day special every year. For those of you that don't live in Austin, but would still like to learn more & maybe even pitch in a donation, just go here: http://www.myhaam.org/

"Agave at Big Bend" by Vanessa Lively

"La Voz Latina" by Vanessa Lively

My little family recently moved houses here in Austin. It has been lovely to settle into our new home, paint new pictures in this space and start jumping back into musical adventures. Two of my painting are currently being featured at the National Art Show exhibition held at the Dougherty Arts Center in Austin. They should be up for about a month, so feel free to pop over and take a look at the exhibit. It is really neat.

This past summer, we went to South Padre Island and filmed a fun little music video that I will share with all of you as soon as it is ready. The filming was done by Jason Fry and the editing is being done by Paul Curreri (same talented guy that recorded, produced & mixed Return to Waves!) I'm excited to see how it turns out...!

Well, I sure hope everyone is doing well.

Lots of love-
