Monday, January 24, 2011

the first steps towards the next album...

Today Jason & met with Keith Gary who will be working with us on our next album...Keith is a great engineer who works out at Blue Rock Studio. We are really excited about having him come into our home to create a cool studio and help out with this next project.

In October of 2010, I decided it was time to make another full length album with all of my new songs. I wanted to come up with a cool way to raise some money for the project, so in November I decided to paint the cover art myself. I made a very large canvas that was made up of 42 individual canvasses stapled together, then painted the painting, then had an event to sell the individual pieces off to folks...and so now we have raised almost half of what we need to record this album! (and as of today, I have 14 paintings left if you are interested!) So we are moving forward, meeting with musicians and such...tomorrow, we will go to Sam Baker's home and Rodney Bursiel will take photos that will be used on my new website, album art and such. We are surrounded by so much talent here in Austin and have a wonderfully creative group of friends who have super creative friends too! So this feels like such an exciting project already...and we've only just begun! So the jams have started, and all the planning. Songs are written (still sometimes in progress) and we are ready! Recording will start the last week of February...Also, our friends Danny & Carrie have been a big part of this project...first, lending us their home for my painting project (which Jason had the bright idea to film the whole process & make a cool video - I'll post that here...) They have also been a huge support offering their ideas and input every step of the way. All our friends, family and fans have come together to help us in any way they can, and I feel very fortunate to be surrounded by so much love & encouragement!!

So I'm gonna go get ready for tomorrow's photo shoot...I am hoping to keep a great journal of all the album & music happenings here to share w/ everybody.

More to come soon!

with love,

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